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Wollaton Hall Park

Updated: Apr 14, 2019

Nottinghamshire - UK

"Since the 14th century, around 80 red deer and 120 fallow deer have roamed freely through Wollaton park."


This explore post is going to be short and sweet as there’s not a great deal you need to know, other than the location. You may have read my previous post about the red deer walk within the peak district national park,  where at this time of year with a bit of walking your bound to spot a deer or two. However, as mentioned in that post, the red deer walk isn’t the most accessible for those in need of mobility assistance. But, for me that shouldn’t mean you have to miss out on the autumnal beauty of these magnificent animals, so I’ve found a perfect alternative!

If you live in Nottingham, or in nearby surrounding areas, you’re probably well familiar with Wollaton Hall built in 1580. In 2011 Hollywood came to Wollaton to use the prestigious hall as Batman’s house. Wollaton is just 5 miles north a little village called Gotham... Yes that’s where Gotham City came from! The hall now stands as a public museum, as it has done since 1924, housing several animal and mineral artefacts.

The hall itself is a beautiful building, there’s no doubt about that, however was the surrounding grounds that drew me in. Since the 14th century, around 80 red deer and 120 fallow deer have roamed freely through Wollaton park. With it being open to the public, the red deer that inhabit the park have become very habituated to people, and remain quite content if you take a few photos then pass on by. The fallow deer however are a lot more vigilant and timid, so you won’t get too close before they dart away. This being said, the calm nature of the red deer is not to be taken advantage of. They are still wild animals with the potential to do a lot of harm, and should therefore be respected. From September till the end of October it is rutting season, and the stags can be very protective of their hinds. June and July is calving season, meaning a lot of protective deer will be about. As I said before, don’t take advantage. It’s in both the deer and your own best interest. By all means, go take a close up look at one you may have spotted in the distance, and take a few pictures, but leave it at that. A man was recently spotted trying to take a selfie with a stag, and a woman trying to place her child on its back. If you want to read more about that I will leave a link here, personally I think it’s a privilege that we get to witness them in such a way, so please don’t abuse it.

The park also has formal gardens and a botanical garden for those interested in botany, or just wanting to make a bit more of a day of a visit. I will leave a link to a map for orienteering here, but would honestly just suggest going exploring for yourself. With the huge hall in sight, it would be very difficult for you to lose your way. It’s a lot more suitable for people with impaired mobility, or those who may just not fancy the walk within the peaks. Either way, if your excited by animals, go have a wander and you won’t be disappointed.

I will leave a link here to my gallery, which will include extra pictures of the park as well as those captured in the peak district. If any of you get pictures of your visit, please share them with me! My social media links are located at the bottom of the page on the respective icons. I’m going to leave a link here including opening times and parking charges information. So much for short and sweet…

Meg x



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